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Publication of Original Article

Dear all,

It is with great pleasure that we announce the publication of the original article titled "Elas, as boas de bola: football in the northern hinterlands of Minas Gerais between practice and resistance," authored by Professor Ma. Andréia Luciana Ribeiro de Freitas from Eloy Pereira State School, Montes Claros/MG, Professor Dr. Alex Sander Freitas from Unimontes, Montes Claros/MG, and the leader of GEHEF, Professor Dr. Ester Liberato Pereira, also from Unimontes, Montes Claros/MG.

The article has just been published in the Revista FuLiA/UFMG, in its latest issue, available at:

The article is part of the dossier "Football and Women," which was initiated by the Guimarães Rosa Reader, linked to Eduardo Mondlane University in Maputo, Mozambique, under the responsibility of researcher Gustavo Cerqueira, in collaboration with researchers Silvana Goellner, currently a visiting professor at the Federal University of Pelotas/RS, and Jorge Knijnik, affiliated with Western Sydney University in Australia.

We invite you to browse the journal to access the article and other works published in the dossier that may be of interest.

Revista FuLIA/UFMG:

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