Prof. Dr. Ester Liberato Pereira
Effective professor at the Department of Physical Education and Sport (DEFD) at the State University of Montes Claros (Unimontes), permanent professor at the Graduate Program in History (PPGH) at Unimontes and editor-in-chief of the journal Caminhos da História - Revista do Unimontes PPGH. PhD in Human Movement Sciences by the Graduate Program in Human Movement Sciences (PPGCMH) at the School of Physical Education, Physiotherapy and Dance (ESEFID) of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), in the research line Social Representations of the Human Movement. Master in Human Movement Sciences by PPGCMH/UFRGS. Specialization in Riding Therapy by Tuiuti University of Paraná (UTP). Full degree in Physical Education by ESEFID/UFRGS. Academic exchanges at the Faculty of Sports (FADEUP) of the University of Porto (UP) (Portugal) and at the Faculty of Physical Education (FACDEF) of the Universidad Nacional de Tucumán (UNT) (Argentina). Leader of the Study Group on History of Sport and Physical Education (GEHEF), certified by CNPq. Founder and coordinator of the Sports Memory Center (CEMESP) at Unimontes. He is a member of the Laboratory for the Study, Research and Extension of Leisure (LUDENS), at DEFD/Unimontes. She was Special Projects Advisor for the Dean of Education at Unimontes between 2019-2023. Develops activities with the following themes: History of Sport; Body History; History of Corporal Practices; History of Physical Education; Sports memory; Women; Sociocultural Studies of Leisure and Sport; Sport for people with disabilities; Adapted Sport; Paralympic Studies; Olympic Studies; Equestrian Cultures; Equestrian Practices; Equine Assisted Interactions; Riding Therapy. She was an equestrian horsewoman (jumping modality) from 1996 to 2015 and Brazilian Team Champion in the 0.90m category in 2015. Member of the National Association of History (Anpuh). He was a member of the Equine Therapy team at the Cavalo Amigo Equine Therapy Center for three years (2010-2013). She is an associate researcher at the Center for Studies in the History and Memory of Sport and Physical Education (NEHME) at ESEFID/UFRGS, at the Observatory of Paralympic Sport and Deaf Sports (OEPES), at ESEFID/UFRGS, and at the Sport Memory Center ( CEME) from ESEFID/UFRGS. He is also a Research Member of the Brazilian Paralympic Academy (APB). It is associated with the Brazilian College of Sports Sciences (CBCE). He is a member of the Brazilian Olympic Academy. He is also a Member of the International Society for the History of Physical Education and Sport (ISHPES). Participated in the 21st International Seminar on Olympic Studies for Postgraduate Students of the International Olympic Academy, held in Olímpia - Greece.
Associate professors
Georgino Jorge de Souza Neto
Professor at the Department of Physical Education and Sport (DEFD) at the State University of Montes Claros (Unimontes), linked to the area of Contextualization of Physical Education.
Rogério Othon Teixeira Alves
Professor at the Department of Physical Education and Sport (DEFD) at the State University of Montes Claros (Unimontes), linked to the area of Contextualization of Physical Education.
Janice Zarpellon Mazo
Full Professor at the School of Physical Education, Physiotherapy and Dance (ESEFID) and at the Graduate Program in Human Movement Sciences (PPGCMH), at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS).
Vanessa Bellani Lyra
Professor of the Physical Education Course at the University of Blumenau (FURB).
Giandra Anceski Bataglion
Adjunct Professor at the Federal University of Amazonas (UFAM), assigned to the Faculty of Physical Education and Physiotherapy (FEFF).
Sarah Carine Gomes Aragão
Professor at the Department of Physical Education and Sports (DEFD) at the State University of Montes Claros (Unimontes), linked to the area of Physical Education and Individual Sports.
Andréia Luciana Ribeiro de Freitas
Master in History by the Graduate Program in History (PPGH) at Unimontes. Effective Physical Education teacher at Eloí Perreira Montes Claros-MG State School.
Mariane Alves de Souza
Master's student at the Graduate Program in History (PPGH) at Unimontes.
Joao Pedro Mota Salgado
Master's student at the Graduate Program in History (PPGH) at Unimontes.
Guilherme Carvalho Vieira
Master's student at the Graduate Program in History (PPGH) at Unimontes.
Master's students
Gabriela Carmona Arantes
Master's student at the Graduate Program in History (PPGH) at Unimontes.
Pedro Victor Silveira Ferreira
Master's student at the Graduate Program in History (PPGH) at Unimontes.
Lucas Matheus Araujo Bicalho
Academic of the Degree in History (Unimontes/MG).
Scientific Initiation Scholarship - Unimontes (BIC-Uni)
Hanna Xavier Soares Silva
Hanna Xavier Soares Silva
Acadêmica do curso de Licenciatura em História (Unimontes/MG).